Fall 2024 Alternate Application
If you're filling out the online application, please make sure the checks for the $60 deposit are written out to "DRAMA Ministry" and received by August 15. Mail to Jen Denlinger (Made out to DRAMA Ministry) at 262 A Belmont Rd, Gordonville, PA 17529.
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Full Name *
Phone # *
Cell or Home
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
E-mail (s) *
Date of Birth *
(Expected) Graduation Year *
T-shirt Size *
Parents Name(s) *
Church and Pastor's Names *
Church Phone # *
City (Church's) *
Come up with 1 spiritual goal that you would like to see accomplished in your life during the session. *
Come up with at least one task that will help accomplish the goal you picked above. For each task, please write how you will demonstrate that you completed the task. Lastly, tell us how we will know (evaluate) that the tasks you came up with helped accomplish the goal.                   ...  
Goal - To Know God's Word More.                                        
Task - I will memorize one scripture passage.                    
Demonstration - I will recite the scripture to my director. 
Evaluation - I will be able describe what I learned from the scripture I memorized.
2. As you approach another session with DRAMA, what are some things that have been influential in your continuing and long-term involvement with the ministry? *
3. What are some ways you plan to be a help and an asset to your team/teammates this session? *
4. What are some areas in DRAMA which no longer (or never did) challenge you and what are some changes within the ministry you would like to see take place? *
5. As you look to the future, what are some things that you foresee God directing or calling you to? If you are not sure give us some of the things you are passionate about and/or some of the convictions you have developed (push yourself). *
6. What is your current involvement in your church? *
If you plan on carpooling to practice, please list with whom
What other "outside of the home" activities will you be participating in? *
Which of the above do you believe would be a priority over a DRAMA outreach? *
Is there a day and time that works best for you to meet with your accountability partner? *
Is this flexible? *
Pre-Booked Session Outreaches

Booked Outreaches: Every member is required to attend our pre-booked outreaches listed below. Times given might change, but only slightly. If there are any conflicts, please talk to your director before sending in your application! Any more outreaches that are confirmed will be shared via email or at practice.

Alpha: - September 21, all day. Rothsville community day at a park, Forney Polo Field, Lititz, PA 17543

Alpha: - October 13, morning church outreach. Reformed Presbyterian Church.  

Alpha: - October 23-24 evening outreach. DRAMA Benefit Banquet. Setup on the 23rd and banquet on the 24th. 

Alpha: - ROFM, date and time soon to be determined.

Are you willing to commit to this session which includes all pre-booked outreaches for your team (any conflicts should be discussed with your team director prior to returning this application).
What other "outside of the home" activities will the applicant be participating in? Please list the day of the week and the time during that day.
Has your $60 deposit been mailed yet? If not, please make your check out to "DRAMA Ministry" for the session by March 4th.  Mail to Jen Denlinger (Made out to DRAMA Ministry) at 262 A Belmont Rd, Gordonville, Pa 17529.
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