A Crafty Event!
Hosted by the Bethel Young Adult and Youth Mission Group.

Date:  October 19th 
 *Register by October 10th to be entered into a drawing!
Time: 9am - 6pm 
Location:  Bethel Lutheran Church, 328 Walnut Street, Windsor, CO 
Cost:  $50
- Lunch and Snacks & Beverages provided through out the day
-Designated Crafting Space
-Assistance from Students to help bring your items to your table from your vehicle.
-Table of Free to use supplies and tools 
-Goodie Bag & Drawings

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First & Last Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
email address *
Do you require electricity at your station? *
I would like to sit with the following person(s) *
Registration Fee
Please make checks out to Bethel Lutheran Church with "Crop & Craft" in the memo.

Registration fees must be paid to complete registration for the event.  Space is limited.
Checks can be mailed or dropped off to:  Bethel Lutheran Church, 328 Walnut Street, Windsor, CO 80550

Questions:  Contact Mandy Toms at 970-686-2863 or email at mandy@blcwindsor.org
I understand that the $50 registration fee must be paid in order to be considered fully registered.  *
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