Fall 2024: Moving Senior Bodies 

Join Upland Hills Health professionals Rosie Morrey, APNP, and Jennifer Day, COTA, for weekly classes focusing on balance and strength training to promote healthy aging.

Some benefits of strength training include: slowing down the loss of muscle; increasing bone density; improving balance and coordination, which will decrease fall risks; boost energy level; and increase mental sharpness - to name a few.

The dates of this course are:

  • September 17, 24
  • October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
  • November 12, 19

No class on November 5 due to the Election. 

For the classes, please bring your own weights, wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes. You will also need to bring water.

This event is co-sponsored with the Spring Green Community Library and Upland Hills Health.

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Will you be attending all or as many of the sessions as possible? *
Will you be providing your own weights? *
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