Superpower Quest "Starter" Survey
Your "Superpower" is your special ability that brings you the most joy and effectiveness. 

This 5-10-minute Starter Survey will help me understand your unique design and passions. It will also give you a taste of the Superpower Quest framework. I read every submission. 

For the full Superpower Quest deep dive, you can purchase the book here:

To learn more about me, just go to: and let's connect!
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Your Name *
Your Email Address
We will send your survey results to this email address. Your email will not be shared. 
Your Industry
What's your primary industry?  Ex. publishing, banking, marketing, technology, etc. 
This survey isn't intended to put you into a box.  You will have characteristics in all of the areas below. Humans are complex and can't be stuffed into spreadsheets. Just look for the things that MOST apply to you - things that rise to the top. You might be surprised by what you learn.
Core Drive *
There are three Core Drives that represent our potential priorities in the world, and how we best serve others. The three Drives are Harmony, Order, and Progress. People will tend to have a Primary Drive, a Secondary Drive, and a Low Drive. Which of these rises to the top for you?  Select the single option that best describes the "cause" you identify with the most. 
Primary Hero Type *

The six Hero Types align in pairs with the three Core Drives in the last question. They are the six broad ways in which humans serve their communities.

  • If your primary Drive is Harmony, then your primary Hero Type has a good chance of being "Connector" or "Nurturer." 
  • If your primary Drive is Order, then your primary Hero Type is likely to be "Leader" or "Organizer." 
  • If your primary Drive is Progress, then your primary Hero Type has a strong possibility of being "Dreamer" or "Achiever."  
Not necessarily, though! This is intended to help speed up the process, not box you in. 

So ... which category best describes you?

Secondary Hero Type
Which category describes the second best way you serve your community? 
Key Interests *
What are you passionate about? What lights you up?
Big Dream *
What do you want? What would be a dream come true? Try to be specific about a HUGE win you'd like to accomplish.
Quick "Common Interests" Checklist #1
I am most interested in the following (first choice)
Quick "Common Interests" Checklist #2
I am most interested in the following (second choice)
Add me to the "Superpower Community" Newsletter!
Goes out apx. 2-4 times per month. Updates about the Superpower Quest book and movement. "Hero Profiles" of community members. Facilitates collaboration with other members, based on their interests and Superpowers.  Preview at
Superpower Community "Hero Profile?" (Newsletter Subscribers Only)
I enjoy showcasing Heroes in the Superpower Community newsletter. Would you like to be profiled? The newsletter goes out to the other people who have taken the survey (about 250+ people) and helps me foster collaboration between people in the community.  Click here to view a sample Hero Profile.
Send me a link to the full survey!
The full "Discover my Superpower" process takes 1-2 hours. Would you like a link to the full survey? 
Who referred you to this survey, or how did you hear about it?
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