Functional beverage study - Interest form
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A market research agency is looking to conduct an online focus group to gather feedback from people who enjoy functional beverages (e.g. hydration, protein, energy). Participants will respond to prompts in an online forum, which will take approximately 4 hours of their time over the course of a week. They will be paid $300 for their time. Are you interested in participating?
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What is your name? (First name and last initial is fine)
Where are you located? (City, state)
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What is the highest level of education you've completed?
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What is your approximate total annual household income?
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Do you work in any of the following industries?
How closely do you follow trends/happenings/new things in food and drink?
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On a scale of 1-10, how much of a "foodie" are you? As in, you are really interested in food and drinks, trying new and interesting foods and drinks, keeping up with new products, etc?
Not a foodie
Super foodie
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Which best describes you?
Briefly, what are some of the ways you try to stay healthy? 
If you regularly consume protein beverages, what are the brands and specific products you consume?
If you regularly consume hydration beverages (or beverages with an enhanced hydration element), what are the brands and specific products you consume?
If you regularly consume energy beverages (or beverages with energy-enhancing ingredients), what are the brands and specific products you consume? This could be traditional caffeine-based energy beverages or less traditional offerings e.g. with energy-enhancing ingredients such as maca root or nootropics.
Of the brands/products you listed above (either energy, protein, or hydration), what is your favorite/the one you drink the most? How often and in what occasions do you consume it?
Even if you don't consume them regularly, are there any new/interesting beverages from the above categories (protein, hydration, energy) that you've tried recently?
When it comes to trying new brands, flavors, and launches of new beverages, which of the following best describes you?
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Do you have a laptop, computer, or tablet with a webcam, and a stable wifi connection?
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Imagine you could have a day off and do anything you like - things that make you really excited and happy! Pretend money is no object, and Covid doesn't exist. Tell us what would be involved in your "perfect day" from the moment you get up to the moment you go to sleep. Be detailed if possible!
What is your phone number? (You can choose not to provide it, but then PLEASE make sure to check your email including spam folder so we can get in touch with you if you qualify.)
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