Dooryard Arts Festival 2025 Artist Submission Form ✏️  WORKSHOPS - ALL DISCIPLINES
2025 artist submissions for Dooryard Arts Festival are now open! 
Please use this form for WORKSHOP PROPOSALS only.


(Submission forms for musical performances + other arts programming are available. Please visit for links to those forms.)

Dooryard Arts Festival is 3 days of music, art, stories and community celebration in Woodstock, NB. Join us for #Dooryard2025 July 17 - 19.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Instructor/Group Name *
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone *
Option to self-identify as part of a marginalized or under-represented community.
Optional. We aim to plan a diverse and inclusive 2025 festival and this information can help us to prioritize under-represented communities. This info will only be visible to our Board of Directors and Programming Selection Committee.
Artist Statement / Bio *
Please include a brief summary of your experience delivering workshops and/or any relevant teaching experience.
Title of Proposed Workshop *
Description of Proposed Workshop *
Tell us about your workshop! Include age range, ideal number of participants, and any materials needed. Be as detailed as you need.
Budget Estimate
Accounting for an instructor fee and materials, what is your budget? (Not binding)
Work Samples (Optional) *
We invite you to link us to any relevant samples of your work (images, video, excerpts, etc.) that you would like to share. This could include your online portfolio, personal website or blog, a DropBox folder, or links to social media. Anything that will give us a better sense of what participants will experience during your workshop is welcome, but not required.
Venue Preference / Requirements
What type of space do you need?
Preferred Date of Workshop
Select as many as you'd like. Workshops could potentially begin earlier in the week if necessary.
Preferred Date of Workshop - Comment
Optional comment field. Please indicate if you are unavailable for any of the above dates.
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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