Client Requisition / Job Description

Recruitment Team – Infinity Jobs
Infinity Placement Services – A division of Infinity Group

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Email *
Details about the Client Company.
Company Name: *
Other Email IDs (If any, for CC purpose)
Complete Address (with Landmark):

Business Description:

Company Profile / Description of the Company like what the company do?
Select Company Category:
Employees Strength in Company (No. of Employees):

Name of Contact Person:

You or someone else, to whom we could connect with regard to these openings in your company.

Contact Person's Designation in Company:


Contact Number(s) of Contact Person:


Company’s Website:


Name of Director(s) / Owner of the Co.:

Kindly name main or all the Directors/owners of the Company.

Contact No(s) of Directors/Owner:

Kindly provide contact numbers of main/all the Directors/owners of the Company.

Interview Timings:


Annual Turnover (approx):

GST Number: *
If your company is not registered under GST, Kindly mention "N.A." as 'Not Applicable'
PAN No. of the Company/firm: *
In case of Proprietorship Firm please provide the Proprietor's PAN No. along-with his/her name.

Employees’ Benefits / Bonus / Deductions

You may also use this space to elaborate the reasons that why one should join your company.
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