Share your money questions with us?
Money is personal. It's taboo. It's hard to talk about. 

But as we grow up, there are more and more financial decisions to make. We'd love to hear from you so that we can learn together and see others' experiences reflected in our own -- whether that's about merging household expenses with a partner or setting up a 529 account for your new baby. 

Platonic Love has partnered with financial experts like Maddie Burton, CFP and Crissi Cole, founder of Penny Finance, to offer real-world stories and specific money tips in response to your own questions

What's next? 
The following information will be used to construct anonymous money profiles in the newsletter. The content is intended for educational purposes only, not personal financial advice. If your submission is chosen, we'll include guidance from our team of financial experts in a future issue of Platonic Love

Now, ask away! We're so excited to hear from you!

(All responses are completely anonymous.) 
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Job Title *
"Mom" is a title, too!
Industry *
Age *
Location (e.g. Boston, MA) *
Annual Salary *
Net Paycheck Amount and Frequency *
US dollars only; e.g. $1,000, 2x/month
If you could only ask a financial expert one burning question, what would it be? *
Who's the primary breadwinner in your household? Has that always been the case, or does it change? *
What are your top 1-3 money goals over the next 5 years?  *
What is your biggest money worry right now? Or, in other words, what are you concerned may prevent you from reaching your goals? Why?  *
How much time, on average, do you spend thinking about and/or worrying about money?
Who do you reach out to when you have financial questions? Do you feel like you're getting enough support? Why or why not?
Thank you for your submission!
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