Opening (+ Supplementary Fee)
Friday 5 July
20:00 hrs | doors open
20:15 hrs | opening remarks

On Friday 5 July, we welcome you to join our opening of the exhibition (+ Supplementary Fee).

Thordur Hans Baldursson

But also
Stine Jensen

When we have to pay separately for each work of art, does art become a commodity, full of unsentimental perverse incentives?
- Stine Jensen

The exhibition (+ Supplementary Fee) offers a critical look at the challenges faced by artists and cultural institutions in a time when art subsidies are increasingly under pressure. With the advent of a government that places little value on art and culture, the commercialization of the arts seems inevitable for survival.

At (+ Supplementary Fee), visitors are asked to pay a fee to activate and view the individual artworks in the exhibition. By making a financial contribution, they get the ultimate experience and directly support the continuation of Thordur Hans Baldursson's artistic practice and the program of Nieuw Dakota.

Thanks to
This exhibition is made possible by AFK and Mondriaan Fund.

We hope you will be able to join. Admission is free, but please RSVP via this form.

Ms. van Riemsdijkweg 41b, Amsterdam

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