CSID Registration Form
Please fill out one per dancer, THANK YOU!
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Dancer name:
Date of Birth
Parent Name:
Parent Email
If there is a second email you would like included, please list here:
Zip Code
Cell phone number: (will be used incase of a last minute cancellation or delay in class)
Has your dancer ever danced for another Irish Dance school registered with CLRG? If yes, please indicate school and date of last class.
Please state any medical conditions/medications that you would like the Coyle School to be aware of or any other information you feel is important for us to know to better teach you dancer. Please type NA if there are not any. *
By signing this registration form, you acknowledge and accept that Irish Dance is a physical activity that involves risk of injuries such as, but not limited to, sprains, breaks, muscle pulls, blistering, etc. may occur. Your name on this registration form releases the Coyle School of Irish Dance, its teachers, and associates from any and all loss, injury, accident, or liability resulting from injury that is caused by Irish Dancing through dance lessons, shows, etc. You further state that dancer(s) is in good health and is not restricted from any physical activities such as dance, etc. I agree to abide by the terms spelled out here and in the registration guidelines. Please type Parent/Guardian name.
COYLE School - 2024/2025 Tuition Policy Agreement ~ Class payments are due on the first class of each month. A late fee of $30 will be added each week payment is late. ~ Tuition is based on a 38 week dance school year. ~ Full payments are expected regardless of absence for any reason from classes. ~ There are two snow days  are built in to the calendar. If there are more than 2, we will have make up classes. ~ If your dancer decides not to continue with classes the cancellation policy is as follows: * During the first three classes 75% refund. After the fourth class, there is no refund and each registered student is expected to pay the remaining tuition for the year through June. ~ Returned checks will be subject to a $30 bank fee. Please type Parent/Guardian's Name confirming the agreeing that this is tuition policy has been read and the terms will be followed.
I am a college student or out of state resident but will be coming back to dance in teams and or for occasional classes. 
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