Client Feedback Form

With the objective of continuously improving our services, we value your honest and sincere feedback about your experience with the SLU office you visited. This will greatly help us to enhance or develop our services further!
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Office/ School Visited *
Purpose of Visit
I am:
Clear selection
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
Office is neat and orderly
Ambience is generally cheerful, accommodating and welcoming
Markers & Directional Signs are sufficiently informative
Personnel sought was easily located
Personnel assisted me patiently
Personnel was attentive, helpful and courteous the whole time
Personnel was presentable, properly groomed and wore appropriate attire
Clients were attended to and treated equally
Delivery of service was prompt and efficient
Procedures/Forms/ Guidelines were clear and easy to follow
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) were strictly followed
As a whole, the quality of service given was...
Overall, my visit to SLU was...
Name of personnel who assisted me (if applicable)
For comments and suggestions to further improve our services, we would love to hear from you!
Saint Louis University (SLU), a Catholic institution of higher learning, is committed to respect and protect your right to privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information. Towards this end, SLU is adopting this Privacy Policy to ensure that these rights are upheld, while at the same time being cognizant of the important role of data and information in achieving SLU’s objective of delivering quality Catholic Missionary Education.
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