MathEMA Mentor Application
Thank you for your interest to join MathEMA, the math department's student mentorship organization, as a mentor! Please tell us about yourself using this form. If you are interested in being a mentee as well, please fill out this mentee form.
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What is your full name? *
What are your pronouns?
What is your email address? *
What year are you in? *
If you have participated in MathEMA before, do you want to stay paired with a mentee? *
If you answer yes, please say what the pairing in the "Do you have anything else you'd like to add?" section below.
What is your major? *
If you have a combined or double major, give both. If you have a minor, please include that as well. (e.g. Mathematics/Economics, Minor: Data Science)
Are you passionate or experienced in any of the following?
What are your interests and/or areas of focus in mathematics and related fields? *
Either a list or a paragraph response works!
Tell us a bit about any significant co-ops, classes, or projects you've been a part of!
Please be as detailed as you can. If the question doesn't apply, just tell us more about you!
Tell us a bit about any future aspirations, short-or long-term employment goals, or tentative interests that a mentee might share.
Please be as detailed as you can.  
Let us know any other unique, fun, or surprising facts about yourself!
For example, any significant hobbies, extracurricular interests, favorite books, music, and TV shows.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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