Elementary School Student Agreement Form
This form is to be completed by each parent/guardian and student at the start of the school year.
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Digital form for Code of Conduct and Laptop, Device Loan Agreement.
Please read the Code of Conduct document and the 2019-2020 Laptop and Mobile Device Loan Agreement before submitting this form. Links to the documents are below.

Thank you!

Code of Conduct:

2019-2020 Laptop and Mobile Device Loan Agreement:

Student's First Name: *
Student's Last Name: *
Student's Grade: *
Parents and Students, Please read this excerpt from the 2019-2020 Laptop and Mobile Device Loan Agreement before continuing with this form.
I, the parent (or legal guardian) of (student name above), have read and reviewed the contents of the 2019-2020 the Code of Conduct and the Laptop & Mobile Device Loan Agreement. By signing this form, I acknowledge all the rules, regulations and procedures that will be in effect this school year.
Access to the Putnam Valley Central School District computer network is a privilege and not a right. Each student and parent will be required to sign the Agreement before the student is issued a computer and granted access to the computer online services.
We understand and will abide by the 2019-2020 Code of Conduct and Laptop and Mobile Device Agreement. I (the parent or guardian) acknowledge and agree that my child will be provided with a laptop/mobile device and a G-Suite for Education account with access to the Core Services as well as some additional services, and that it is my responsibility to ensure my child uses their laptop/mobile device and G-Suite account for school related educational purposes only. We (the student and parent) further understand that any violation of the regulations above described is unethical and may also constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit a violation, my access privileges may be revoked, the school district may commence disciplinary proceedings against the student, and I, as the adult, may be subject to appropriate legal action by the school district or others. Should the laptop/mobile device become damaged or lost, I understand that I am responsible for the appropriate charges for the repair or replacement. Further, I will hold the Putnam Valley Central School District harmless against all damages, judgments, and attorney fees that may be obtained against them arising out or my use of the laptop/mobile device, applications, the Internet and email account.

Parent/Guardian - I agree to the terms of the Code of Conduct and the Laptop and Mobile Device Loan Agreement on behalf of myself and the student named above: *
Parent/Guardian's Name: *
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