Symbols of Patriotism: First Ladies and Daughters of the American Revolution //                                    Book Order Form
The latest book from Dr. Larry Cook and published by Vandamere Press!

An informative and entertaining book about the twelve First Ladies that became members of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Larry Cook brings together these twelve patriotic First Ladies and their Revolutionary ancestors under one cover in a first-of-its kind publication.  The book contains enlightened and informative profiles of each of these patriotic First Ladies along with the genealogical connection(s) that qualified them to be part of one of America’s foremost historic institutions. This book is a must for those interested in First Lady history, patriotic heritage, and Daughters of the American Revolution.

1 book: $19.95 (local, hand-delivery within 10 miles of 18612 zipcode)
1 book: $22.95 (includes shipping and handling - $3.00)
2 books: $44.90 (includes shipping and handling - $5.00)
3 books: $66.85 (includes shipping and handling - $7.00)

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