Quote Form
Note: Filling this form out will not secure you a commission slot. Its purpose is only to give you a price estimate on a future commission.
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Terms and Service Agreement
You must read my TOS before commissioning me. If you have not read it in the last 3 months, than please reread it.

Did you read the ToS? *
FAQ and Need to Knows
I am very picky on the ideas I will choose. I will almost always choose artistic freedom commissions. I prefer it if you give me a vague idea or theme and let me choose the poses.

I will politely decline any commission I find that doesn't fit my style.

I no longer do multiple versions of pictures unless it is just a dry and wet variation.
Only exception to this is if you are paying extra for my old art style.

I do not give WIPs unless paid for. The only exceptions to this is if you are buying traditional art or buying art featuring my old style.


"How do I pay?"
   - I take payments upfront through paypal via invoices. The only time I do not do this is if your commission is over $200. In this case, you can pay in 2-3 parts. Note, I will not finish your piece until fully paid.

"How many commissions do you take at once?"
   - Usually 3-5 unless I'm doing stream or 48 hour commissions.

"Do you have any examples of _________"
   - I might, I might not. I advise checking the link above or searching for it using FA's search engine with the tag plus my name. Though if I haven't, I can draw it to the best of my abilities. I'm comfortable in my ability to draw anything and everything.

"Where can I message you so we can discuss commissions?"
   - Nowhere. Sorry but I don't have the time to discuss commissions, so if you got this far, just make sure you have your full idea ready and fill out the form. I will contact you as soon as I have any updates.

"Are you okay with my idea?"
   - Please do not ask me this. Unless it's on my will not draw list, I will draw it. I may however, refuse certain themes depending on if I feel I need a break from it or not. You're always free to leave me two ideas if you're unsure.

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