U2U Wallet - Add new token
Fill in the Token/Project details. 

Prior to sending in your submission, please check and confirm that the information submitted adheres to the items listed below. You may not receive a reply if ONE or more than one of the below is not satisfied.

  1. The mandatory information (website, email and 200x200 PNG logo) are provided
  2. Your email/contact email address is the same as your official website domain (i.e., youremail@yourdomain)
  3. Your official website:
    • is accessible and safe to visit
    • has all its links working fine and its placeholders updated
    • has clear and sufficient information about your project or token
  4. The contract:
    • is valid and it is the right contract address for the project/token
  5. The project/token:
    • name, symbol or creative properties are not susceptible to brand infringement
    • is not fraudulent or misrepresentation of public entities or other projects
    • team members and/or founders are clearly presented with links to their supporting professional profiles (e.g. LinkedIn or equivalent)
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Request Type

Please specify the category of your token update application.

Basic Information

Kindly check that all the links provided are working and are safe to visit before submitting.

Token Contract Address 
Token symbol *
Token network *
Requester Name 
Requester Email Address
Project Name
Official Project Website
Official Project Email Address
Link to download a 200x200 png icon logo
Project Description (Max 300 characters) 
Briefly encapsulate, introduce or summarise the project’s operation/mechanism/goals in a maximum of 300 characters. The short description should be written in a neutral point of view and must exclude unsubstantiated claims ("first", "most", "best", and etc) unless proven otherwise.
Social Profiles
Kindly provide us with the links to your official social media pages on these platforms. These are usually the secondary channels which users may use to contact your team.
More Social links
Price Data
Kindly take note that the price data will be obtained through these service providers. By default, price data will be provided by Coinmarketcap while exchanges with trading pairs will be provided by Coingecko. If your token is not listed on either platform, its respective values will not be shown.
CoinMarketCap Ticker
CoinGecko Ticker
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