Talking peace. מדברים שלום. نتحدث السلام
An evening with Palestinian and Israeli peace-activists

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Thursday 20th June.
17:45 - gathering
18:10 - 19:30 - main panel
Magdalen College, Oxford 
(location in the college will be sent to registered participants on the day of the event)

Join us for an engaging and personal evening with two peace activists from Palestine and Israel who will share their perspectives on navigating the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  This event aims to offer a personal perspective from speakers who are living through this traumatic conflict yet remain committed to the message of dialogue and hope.

Gain insights from individuals actively working towards peace, and be part of a discussion that aims to promote hope and dialogue as essential tools for bridging divides and building new paths.

* The event is for registered participants only, you will be asked to show a University Bod Cards or other form of identification for non-university participants.


Magen Inon is a London-based father of three, and an educator with a PhD in the philosophy of education. He has worked to cultivate liberal values and leadership skills with students, military officers, young adults, and inmates.
Since the murder of his parents in the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, Magen has become a leading voice for peace between Israelis and Palestinians within international media, local communities, and the political elite. He collaborates with the Palestinian peace activist Hamze Awawde, focusing on universities and colleges to create hope and shared spaces for dialogue on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Hamze Awawde is a Palestinian peace activist and conflict resolution expert who lived and worked in Ramallah until October 7th. He holds a master's degree in Global Community Development from the Hebrew University and a business degree from Birzeit University. His family was directly affected by the Nakba and was strongly involved in the Palestinian national movement, during which his grandfather was killed. This history showed Hamze the need to break the cycle of bloodshed and seek joint liberation and a shared future.
Since October 2023, Hamze has intensified efforts in collaboration with Palestinian and Israeli peace activists, calling for a cessation of violence, creating hope, and fostering spaces for dialogue.

The panel will be moderated by Suzan Meryem Rosita.


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