Back 2 School Blaster Bash Vendor Registration
Promote your business or organization to over 1,000 families, students, and community members.
Non-food Vendor: $50 - Food Vendor: $75 - Nonprofit Organization: $30 

We DO NOT have access to electricity (unless already discussed) - New Vendors will need to bring a generator if electricity access is needed.

Booth spaces with be 10x10'. Vendor will need to bring their own tent, table, and any equipment needed. We suggest having an "interactive" experience at your booth (games, crafts, contests, etc). This will guarantee more families visit your business and create a positive memory. 
Contact Name *
Email *
Business Name *
Business Address *
Phone number *
Vendor Type *
Will you need any special accommodations?
Have you paid your vendor fee?

1)Click "Sponsor Our Event" on the right hand side.
2) Scroll down and choose the vendor type for your business. 
3)Checkout and pay
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