Donation & Membership Payment Report
Thank you for the donation and or your membership payment. May Allah reward you here in the earth and hereafter.
- SENDER FULL NAME is needed to verify your payment. (Many cases the donor don't have zelle etc, ask somebody to send the donation/membership payment)
- If you donated/sent on your friend's behalf, on PUBLICATION NAME choose OTHER, and type your FRIEND' S NAME.
- Your VALID EMAIL (or Whatsapp) & VALID ADDRESS are required to send your donation receipt for your TAX DEDUCTION. If you don't have an email, type NO EMAIL, but we may not able to send you receipt.
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Full Name *
Publication Name *
Address *
Phone/WA number *
Membership Donation Amount (put "0" if none) *
Regular Donation Amount (put "0" if none) *
Total Donation (Membership + Regular) *
Paid *
Payment Date
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