December 9: Family Bike Meet Up and Ride in Glen Park and Noe Valley
This is the registration and waiver form for the family bike meet and ride co-hosted by KidSafeSF, Slow Arlington, Slow Chenery, Slow Hearst, and Slow Sanchez. Please complete by 10 AM PST on 12/09 before you join the ride. Thank you for coming and we look forward to meeting you!
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Please read the bike ride liability waiver and type your full name to acknowledge. *
How many riders are in your family/group for the ride? *
Which starting point will you join us at?
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Which host group are you affiliated with or the most interested in?
Would you be interested in serving as a safety escort during the ride? If yes, please leave the best way for us to reach out.
If you can serve as a safety escort, please share the best phone number to contact you ahead of time via text.
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