BLAST OFF with Friends in Faith                            2024-2025  Registration
This year WCP, Vang, OSLC, and Skogdalen will once again be partnering to make our afterschool program, Friends in Faith, another great year!  

Friends in Faith will BLAST OFF the Wednesday following the fair, September 18th - After School Until 5pm. 
Our BLAST OFF will include a family meal at 5 pm!   Please stay and have a family meal on us!!!

As always we will pick the elementary kids up from school and the middle school kids will walk over on their own. 

We are looking forward to another great year sharing Jesus and having fun!!
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Email *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Contact Number  *
In Case Of Emergency Contact Name *
In Case Of Emergency Contact Number *
Primary Church We Attend *
1st Child's First and Last Name *
1st Child's Age *
1st Child's Grade in School (for 2023-24 school year)
2nd Child's First and Last Name
2nd Child's Age
2nd Child's Grade in School (for 2023-24 school year)
3rd Child's First and Last Name
3rd Child's Age
3rd Child's Grade in School (for 2023-24 school year)
4th Child's First and Last Name
4th Child's Age
4th Child's Grade in School (for 2023-24 school year)
Are there any food allergies we should be aware of for your child(ren)? Please explain. 
Our program will periodically use photographs of students to showcase on the churches' Facebook pages or other promotional activities (ie, slideshows). Do you agree to allow any of the churches to use your child(ren)'s photograph for purposes as described above?  *
We are very short of volunteers this year to make this wonderful program safe and fun for all our students. Would you be willing to volunteer from 3-5 on Wednesdays after school?  *
Is you child in any after school programming that we should be aware of? (i.e. Battle of the Books, Westby Whips, etc.)
Our program welcomes all students just as they are because the good news of God's grace is for all people just as they are. This means that we are asking all parents/guardians to acknowledge and support that no bullying will be tolerated at Friends in Faith. Please type your first and last name to acknowledge your agreement and submission of registration for Friends in Faith.  *
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