🌹Cambridge DSA 2024 Member Survey🌹
With over 500+ DSA members in Cambridge currently, we have the ability to make a huge impact by building a shared political analysis and a mass organizing program that mobilizes the working class - IF we are organized!

So please be as detailed as possible. The information you share will be used to help you plug into campaigns and activities of interest and will help shape the Cambridge Working Group.

If you haven't already, join the Chapter Discord server. Discord is our base of internal communications for both work and play - working group chats, chapter resources, off-topic discussion, games, movie nights etc.
Discord server invite link: bdsa.us/discord
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred pronouns (if you're comfortable sharing)
E-mail (the one you used with DSA) *
Phone number *
Cambridge DSA is a working group of Boston DSA. What other working groups in Boston DSA are you involved in? *
What times work for you for a monthly meeting (assuming a central/accessible location in Cambridge and a virtual option)? *
Anything you'd like to add about your schedule? (e.g. "I can't make any of the options above but I still want to contribute" or "3rd/4th Wednesdays work but not 2nd Wednesdays")
We want to build camaraderie between members. So we want to make our meetings fun & do things together. Do you have any ideas for activities you'd like to suggest? 

Examples: watch a movie, get food, take a guided tour, do an escape room, archery, indoor wall climbing, pottery, improv, blacksmithing etc.
I can contribute the following skills to build our mass working class movement: *
Same options as above but this time,
think about what skills you would like to develop? 

We're here to help you grow!

I'd like to develop these skills:
I can contribute the following resources to our organizing to win material wins for the working class 🌹 *
Besides English, what languages do you speak conversationally?
If you speak a language other than English, can you help with translation?
What local issue do you care about and would like other Cambridge DSA members to turn out for? *
What groups/campaigns have you been involved with in Cambridge, if any?
(eg. Jewish Voice For Peace, If Not Now, SURJ Boston, Boston South Asian Coalition, The Black Response, Sunrise Movement, Cambridge Bike Safety, etc.) 
Is there anything else we should know? We're here for any comments, concerns, questions, interests, etc.
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