Class-12,Development Experience of India
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Q1) Who said these lines “these new and revolutionary changes in China and India, even though they differ in content, symbolise the new spirit of Asia and new vitality which is finding expression in the countries in Asia." *
1 point
Q2) People’s Republic of China was established in *
1 point
Q3) _____ announce its five year plan in 1951. While _____ announced its five year plan in 1956.____ announced its five year plan in 1953. *
1 point
Q4) The policy of Great Leap Forward (GLF) was announced in *
1 point
Q5) Which policy aimed to combine the establishment of rural communes with a crash programme of village industrialisation? *
1 point
Q6) China introduced major reforms in its economy in *
1 point
Q7) ____ has followed the classical development pattern of gradual shift from agriculture to manufacturing and then to services *
1 point
Q8) In 1965, Mao introduced the _____________ under which students and professionals were sent to work and learn from country side *
1 point
Q9) Which of the following policy was followed by Pakistan *
1 point
Q10) The population of which of the country is small *
1 point
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