4/19/20 Intermediate Class Activity
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Name (First and Last) *
Activity #1: There are many injustices happening against various ethnic groups today. Choose an ethnic group (African American, White, Native American, Mexican, Chinese, etc.). Write different issues that this group experiences today. *
Activity #2: Watch the video. "One Night with the King". Compare the video to the actual scripture. *
One Night with the King
Activity #3: Jeremiah 29:11 states that God knows the plans God has for us, not to harm us, but to prosper us and plans to give us hope and a future. How has God used you to make a difference, and give hope to someone else? *
Activity #4: Play the soft music "Use Me" by Ron Kenoly. Make a list of projects that you can get involved in that would positively impact your church or community. *
Use Me
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