About the Reunion
Welcome to the 125th Reunion & Anniversary of the Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians)! Join us for a weekend of celebrating the rich history and camaraderie of retired and serving members and their guests. This event is a perfect opportunity to reconnect, reminisce, and make new memories. Get ready for a memorable experience filled with exciting activities and heartfelt reunions. For more information, visit
LdSH 125th Reunion | Strathcona's 125th Anniversary (https://www.ldsh125th.ca/) for more details.
Reunion Cost - $150 per person attending payable via e-transfer to edmbranch@strathconas.ca.
Golf Cost - $100 per person includes GST & cart attending payable via e-transfer to edmbranch@strathconas.ca.
Deadline to register May 1, 2025 - ***Please note - The reunion registration payment and golf payment (if applicable) must be received by this date to guarantee your participation.