8th grade "quiz" 4.8.2020
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A chemist is looking at 1 particle of calcium underneath a powerful microscope. Which word best describes what they are looking at? *
1 point
A chemist is looking at some particles underneath a powerful microscope and they observe 1 calcium atom, 1 carbon atom and 3 oxygen atoms all bonded together to make one particle. Which of the words below best describes what they are looking at?
1 point
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A weapons engineer for the United States Army is making some C4, which looks like many particles of 4 carbon atoms bonded together. (C4 is highly reactive and explosive). Which word below best describes what C4 is?
1 point
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A chemist is looking at atoms underneath a very powerful microscope and observes an atom with 19 protons in the nucleus. What atom are they observing? (HINT: use your periodic table!)
1 point
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Which of the following subatomic particles has a negative charge?
1 point
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