Roles and Responsibilities
Evaluation is
a critical component of ACT and includes required activities of ACT staff at
PHAdvocates and UCLA, as well as all Core and Design Team members. Outlined
here are the evaluation requirements for Core and Design Team members. All
evaluation requirements are available in English and Spanish, as well as via
audio recording. As a token of our appreciation, we offer a $25 Walmart gift
card (excluding tobacco, alcohol, or cannabis products) every six months for
completing evaluation requirements related to your participation in
ACT-funded activities.
To qualify,
you must complete the evaluation survey following each ACT-funded
activity you have participated in
during the six-month period.
● All Core and Design Team members are required
to participate in evaluation activities.
● All Core and Design Team members must complete
the Onboarding Form.
● Evaluation surveys must
be completed after each of the following ACT-related activities:
○ Policy, communications, data and research, and
sustainability trainings
○ Learning Community sessions
○ 2025 ACT initiative conference
● Evaluation surveys should be completed during
related activities. On the rare occasion that is not possible, evaluation
surveys must be completed within 48 hours of the related activity.
● Each
year the ACT evaluation team will identify several ACT projects to
participate in interviews for evaluation purposes. If your project is
selected, participation from the Core and Design Teams is required. It is the
responsibility of the Core Team to identify interviewees and ensure
Additional Core Team
evaluation requirements
Connect the ACT evaluation team with the appropriate
Core/Design Team member(s) to clarify how the needs assessment data was
accessed, cleaned, and analyzed, as needed
Designate one Core Team member to: 1) ensure all Core
and Design Team members complete the Onboarding Form online as part of
their onboarding process, 2) regularly update Core and Design Team
members’ information via an online portal as needed, and 3) to enter and
update data in the online Coalition Roster for each member of your
ACT-Funded Project’s coalition who is activated by your Core/Design Teams
(e.g., constituents and other allies)
Additional Design Team evaluation requirements
Report any changes in your contact information, general
availability, or organization affiliation to your designated Core Team
member who is responsible for updating team members' information
Report any new coalition members (i.e., new
constituents and other allies activated by your Core/Design Team) to your
designated Core Team member who is responsible for entering and updating
coalition members’ information