Brand Collaboration Marketing: A Study of Wicked
Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you very much for taking part in this study. This should take around 5-10 minutes to complete.

I am a student at the University of Westminster and undertaking a project on understanding the impact of brand collaborations as part of my Dissertation. There are no right or wrong answers, just answer based on what you think and feel.

Confidentiality - The researchers will take the following steps to protect your identity during this study:
(1) Each participant will be assigned a random number; 
(2) The researchers will record any data collected during the study using that random number;
(3) Any data files will be stored in a secured location accessed only by authorized researchers. 
(4) No personally identifying information (e.g., your name, IP address, etc.) will be recorded, but we will ask general demographic information such as your age and gender. 

The data will be fully anonymised and that no one but the researcher will have access to the raw / non-anonymised data (which will be stored in the University premises / drive and be fully encrypted).

Should you have any queries, you may contact the Principal Investigator

Your participation in this research is voluntary. 

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