Scramble Season 10 Tribunal Judge Application
Once we've picked candidates we'll PM you to ask if you want the job.

Keep in mind that the tier is 2-8/10 shield-less MCU Cap with no Infinity War feats.

This form will stay open until signups begin, at which point we'll start looking through the candidates and picking judges.
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What is your name on Reddit (and on Discord, if they're different)? *
How active have you been in previous Tribunals? *
Are you able to participate in discussion or judgment during every day that Tribunal is ongoing, at least partially? *
What forms of media (comics, anime, video games, etc) are you most familiar with? *
Pick a character that you feel fits into the above tier, and explain why they fit. This isn't going to be used to scrutinize how well you know the tier, just how you look at character balance. Length is appreciated. *
Pick a character you feel doesn't fit into the tier (but is still pretty close- no Broly or whatever) and explain why you think they don't fit. Same deal as before, we just want to see what you're thinking when you balance. *
Who's the coolest GM? This is incredibly important to whether or not we pick you.
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