Tell us about your cryptocurrency preferences
Could you please answer several questions about your cryptocurrency experiences and preferences?
You may submit your responses anonymously. You also may provide your contact information if you wish to be contacted to participate in a follow-up survey or interview. Your individual response and contact info (if provided) will be kept confidential.

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What country do you live? *
Do you have one (or more) bitcoin address which you regularly use? Be careful by bitcoin address we mean bitcoin address, not a wallet.   *
When you make a new transaction, which scenario do you usually choose? *
How many times have you exchanged cryptocurrency for fiat during the previous month? *
Do you use exchanges where the rate is fixed or set automatically (e.g. Changelly, Coinbase)? *
Do you use P2P exchanges (like LocalBitcoins) *
Do you use exchanges where you set your own price and trade with other users *
How many times for the last week you exchanged: *
1 - 2
3 - 5
7 - 9
More than 9 times
Bitcoin for Ethereum
Bitcoin for Zcash
Bitcoin for Monero
Ethereum for Bitcoin
Ethereum for Zcash
Ethereum for Monero
Zcash for Bitcoin
Zcash for Ethereum
Zcash for Monero
Monero for Bitcoin
Monero for Zcash
Monero for Ethereum
Which exchange you would prefer to use: *
Have you ever used a cryptocurrency mixer? *
Do you use cryptocurrency to pay for the goods/services *
Which cryptocurrency do you prefer to use to pay for the goods/services?   *
How many times have you used Lightning Network to pay for something during the last month? *
Do you use the following cryptocurrency exchanges? (alphabetical order) *
What do you usually do with your cryptocurrency? *
How do you think, what is more important in cryptocurrency? *
Which wallets from the following list do you use? (choose all applicable responses, alphabetical order) *
May we contact you to follow-up on these survey? If “Yes” - please leave your contact details here (e-mail, telegram or anything else). We will keep your contact details strictly confidential
Thank you for passing our survey. Please share your feedback about the survey, thoughts or just write anything you want here:
How did you hear about us?
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