Current life status (Work, College - list, Travel etc.) *
Your answer
Field of study or work *
Your answer
What is your current city, state, country of residence? If you split time between two places ie. college and home on breaks, list both *
Your answer
Please provide your best form of contact (phone number, email address, etc.) *
Your answer
LinkedIn account info so we can add you to the TEA Alumni and Supporters LinkedIn group where you can connect with influential and well networked TEA parents, as well as other graduates that may be in relevant or related fields.
Your answer
Are you available/interested in Alumni Pizza + Ice Skating Party the first week of January 2024 *
Are you available/interested in the Alumni breakfast June 14th, welcoming and congratulating the new '24 graduates. *
Last thing - TEA is planning to start a blog page highlighting alumni each month which will allow us to stay updated with each others lives and share victories with the alumni communiTEA (sorry I had to do it) Are you willing to be contacted to share some highlights about your life? *
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