TheRightCast - Casting Submission Form
Please fill out the form below as completely as possible. The social media links are optional, but the more we can get to know you online, the more likely we will be to request an audition.
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What is your name? *
What is your e-mail address? *
Your IMDb URL:
Your Instagram URL:
Your YouTube Channel URL:
Your Twitter URL:
Your Facebook URL:
Your LinkedIn URL:
Other Websites:
Please put any other websites in here that you think might help us get to know you better. You can list as many as you'd like in the box below.
Could you potentially invest in a film that you were acting in?
If you can invest, how much?
Additional Notes:
If you have any special talents or if there's something else that you think we should know about your acting career, please type it into the box below.
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