TS Chromebook Application
This is an application to participate in the Transitional Studies Chromebook Loan Program.
Things to know:
1. Application does not guarantee you'll receive a computer for the quarter.
2. If you have no attendance history with our department or your attendance has been limited, you will need to demonstrate 2 weeks of solid attendance before you will be considered for a laptop.
3. If granted access to a computer, you MUST return it by the end of the quarter to ensure it is available to students the following quarter.  Even if you're attending our classes the following quarter, you must turn the laptop in. It is not for use in between the quarters.
4. The bag and charger cord must be with the computer when it is returned.
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Your Full Name *
Enter the date of application for the laptop *
How long have you been a student in the Transitional Studies Program *
On average, how often are you able to make it to classes each week? *
What do you plan on transitioning to after you have completed this program? *
Whose class do you need this computer for? Enter the name of one of your instructors. *
Hi, I'm Catie Graham - Email me with questions or issues with your Chromebook at cgraham@lowercolumbia.edu
User Guidelines - Please read place a check next to each guideline you have read. This acts as verification that you have read and agree to the terms. *
Demonstrate your understanding of the conditions by writing the email of the person you contact in case there are issues with the condition of the computer or its timely return. *
According to the conditions, when are the laptops due?
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