Skillman International Forum (SIF) 2024 seeks a dynamic host for its upcoming edition, slated for the second half of the year. We invite passionate institutions to be the cornerstone of this global conversation on transformative education and vocational training.

Why Host SIF 2024?

  • Global Impact: Showcase your commitment to shaping the future of education on an international stage.
  • Networking Hub: Connect with renowned experts, institutions, and policymakers in the field of vocational training and education.
  • Thought Leadership: Establish your organisation as a thought leader by contributing to the discourse on emerging trends and innovative practices.

What Does Hosting Entail?

  • Human and Financial Commitment: Successful hosting requires dedication of human and financial resources to ensure a seamless and impactful event.
  • Collaboration with Skillman Board: Work closely with the Skillman Board to align the conference with global standards and objectives.
  • Contents and Organization: Contribute to shaping the content and organisation of the forum, fostering an environment conducive to knowledge exchange and collaboration.

Express Your Interest:

If your institution is eager to be the driving force behind SIF 2024, express here your interest. The Skillman Secretariat will reach out individually to approved candidates for further discussions.

Together, Let's Shape the Future of Education!

Thank you for considering this unique opportunity to host SIF 2024. Your commitment can make a lasting impact on the global dialogue around vocational training and education.
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Briefly describe your vision and resources for an exceptional 2024 event

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