Apply for One-on-One Coaching with Kaelyn Marie

Thanks for your interest in getting personalized 1-on-1 coaching with me. We’ll dive into your business and help you get clarity, grow in confidence, and start landing high ticket clients.

During our time together, we will dive into mindset work, social media, business systems, landing high ticket clients, and more. You'll have full access to me so just think of me as your new business bestie!

We will have 1:1 calls biweekly packed with strategy, action items and resources given to you each call. We will also have a private Slack channel to communicate during business hours Monday - Friday, and you will get access to both my courses: Kickstart Your VA Career Guide & Instagram Academy. 

Please take some time to fill out the form below and I'll get back to you within 24 hours! 🫶🏼

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Email *
Full Name *
Email Address *
Instagram Handle *
What areas in your Virtual Assistant business are you struggling with? *
Tell me more about your business, your journey so far and what you do. *
What do you need my support with the most? Be as detailed as possible. *
What are your biggest goals for the next 6 months? (Financial, business, lifestyle) *
How did you find me? *
Are you ready to invest in 1:1 coaching at this time? (This is a 4-figure investment, are you serious about hitting your goals in your business right now?) *
Are you committed to this process and showing up for yourself? *
Anything else you want me to consider as I review your application? If not, I’ll get back to you within 24 hours!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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