Cat Foster Form
I understand and agree that I am volunteering my time and services to The Ark of San Juan, Companion Animal Rescue (“The Ark”). I further understand that any expenditure or reimbursement for the care of the foster animal must first be approved in writing by The Ark.
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Pet Name *
Your First and Last Name *
Street Address *
City, State Zip *
City, State Zip *
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Email Address
Preferred Contact Method
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Preferred Contact Method
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How many are in your household? *
If there are children, what are their ages?
Are all family members supportive of fostering? *
Type of living accommodation? *
Do you own or rent? *
If you rent, do you have your landlord's permission to have a pet?
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If you rent, may we contact your landlord?
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Name and number for Landlord
Who will participate in caring for the foster cat other than you?
Do you currently have any other pets? *
If yes, what species, breed, sex and age?
Are you aware of how to introduce a new animal to other pets in your household?
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Types of confinement you can provide: Fenced yard (height and type), Crate (size and type) *
How many hours a day will the pet typically be left alone? *
Where will the pet by kept while he or she is alone? *
Do you have any experience fostering pets? *
If yes, with what organization(s)? *
How many and what gender of cat(s) will you foster at one time?
Length of time you are willing to foster: *
What circumstances would cause you to return a foster cat in your care?
Would you let one of our representatives visit your home by appointment? *
Additional Comments
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