OPEN CALL for Facilitators & Temple Artists for Milk'n'Honey Festival 2024

Thank you for your curiosity to join us this year!

Deadline: 10th March.

Milk'n'Honey Festival of Conscious Eros and Temple Nourishment is a unique immersive experience in the beautiful Polish nature. Last year it hosted a total of 140 humans and it has received amazing feedback. This year we want to expand and grow the magick!

2024 invites an expansion of the numbers of people to 250-300 beings, to one extra workshop space and an addition of a beautiful lake at our new venue.

We are inviting about 20 contributors to the program. Each contributor is asked to offer between 2-5 offerings (exceptions might occur).

In order to apply, a professional experience working with sacred sexuality / sex-positive spaces / neo-tantra is required. (We will make powerful exceptions in case your offering blows our minds. Regardless, you must be at ease with nudity and sexuality around you). 

It's important to us that any person in the Contributor's Team is transmitting the culture of Milk'n'Honey (you can read about it in the Our Culture page ( ) on our website).

We imagine the contributors team to be an important and active part of the Festival. We are not interested in applicants who will only show their faces for their offerings and not participate in the atmosphere and events of the Festival. You are required to attend the full Festival from the Opening to the Closing Ceremonies. (Ideally, from 2pm Wednesday 29.05 for the first team meeting to 5pm Sunday 02.06 for the Facilitators meeting before and after the Festival).

This FORM is the first impression of you. We want to get a good glimpse of your offering and we don't need much details at this point. In case we want to invite you, there is a detailed form with all the technical stuff later on.

Besides a nourishing and unforgettable Festival experience, what we could offer to you is presence on our website, our social media, possibility to advertise yourself during the Festival and also offer 1:1 paid sessions during the Festival. Potential financial exchange is covered in one of the below questions.

We regret that we are not able to respond to every form. If we are interested in your offer we will get in touch with you the latest 2 weeks after 10th of March which is a deadline for sending your form. If you don't hear from us within 2 weeks we regret that we will not be able to offer you a contributors spot this year.

If being with us is your first priority, please consider getting a ticket this year - the cheaper pull of tickets is available until end. of March.

Love and juice,
Milk'n'Honey Creatrix Team
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