Clarington Ravens Coaching Application
Coaching Application - 2022/2023 Season

Please note that by filling out this coaching application it does not guarantee a coaching position. The Clarington Ravens Selection Committee will review all applications before assigning coaches.   Due date:  August 20, 2022.  

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Email *
Name *
City *
Postal Code *
Phone *
I am interested in coaching: *
What are your strengths as a coach?   *
What are things you need to work on as a coach? *
Have you ever been relieved of duties, when you were in a coaching or manager role for a sports team?   *
If yes, please provide details:
Coaching Experience
How many years of coaching experience do you have?   *
List previous teams you have coached:
List Accreditations or Certificates you hold (ie:  NCCP level)
Please describe your coaching philosophy:
Is there any thing else we should know that will help the selection committee make their decision?  
If selected, you will be required to undergo a police and reference check.   Please submit completed application with any supporting documents you think will help us make our decision.    If you have any questions, please email us:
Thank you for your interest in the Clarington Ravens.  
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