We're in!  Sign us up for CAT Teams
Use this form to make a commitment to support building and leading a CAT at your school site.  There are different roles to play and support we will provide for you to be successful.  We will actively utilize this structure throughout the year and will look to improve as we gain experience in making it work - Let us know what you can do. Please fill this form out with other CAT members at your school.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
School Site *
Who will be the LEADER for the CAT team? (There is one chair for each school).
Leader's non-BPS Email
Who will be the CAT Members?  (be point person to communicate with a group of 10 members) (list names and non-BPS emails)
If you still need a CAT Team Leader chair or more CAT Team members, who are some people you can reach out to?
Would you like an organizer to follow up with you to support?
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