Hello Parents and Guardians,
Our campus thrives because of the partnership we have with our parents and a huge part of this success is because of amazing parent volunteers like yourself. We have many opportunities throughout the year for every family, from help at on-campus events and in classrooms to donations of items and gift cards for campus needs.
TCA believes that your partnership with us is important and we value your partnership with our school. Parents are encouraged to volunteer 25 hours annually if you have a student on the A/B track and 10 hours if you have a student on C track. All hours are per family, not per student. Volunteering is highly encouraged, but not mandated. Your participation not only greatly benefits our students and our school, but it also helps us to be successful when applying for grants and funding and when reporting our parent involvement to the State.
THANK YOU for your time and class/school donations!
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any further questions.
I hope you have a great day!
Christina Mitchell
Parent Volunteer & Event Coordinator
The Classical Academy
mmitchell@classicalacademy.com(760) 546-0101