Expression of Interest & Updates
Thanks for taking the time to complete this short survey to be added to the Expression of Interest database and/or to receive updates about Wellington Hills Christian College.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at  
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Are you interested in sending your child/ren to the proposed new school in Johnsonville if it started in 2025?  Please note: confirming your interest now does not commit you should your decision change in the future.  *
If you answered "Unsure" or "No" to the above question, it would be helpful to the Board to understand the reason behind this: (Please note: this is a voluntary question)
If you answered "Unsure" or "No" in the previous question and you would like someone from either the WCEP or the Miramar Christian School Board to contact you to discuss, please indicate here: 
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If you would like to confirm your interest in keeping or adding your child/ren on the Waiting List for Enrolment, please complete the following questions.

Family Name (your surname):
Primary Contact's First Name:
Primary Contact's phone number:
Primary Contact's email address:
Secondary Contact's First Name:
 Secondary Contact's phone number:
Secondary Contact's email address:
Street Address (including Postcode)
Church you are currently attending, and its location:
Please write Child Number 1's name (i.e. your oldest child):
What year level will Child Number 1 be in 2025 (please select only ONE Year level from the list below). 
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If attending school, what is their current school? 
Please write Child Number 2's name:
What year level will Child Number 2 be in 2025 (please select only ONE Year level from the list below):
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If attending school, what is their current school? 
Please write Child Number 3's name:
What year level will Child Number 3 be in 2025 (please select only ONE Year level from the list below):
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If attending school, what is their current school? 
Please write Child Number 4's name:
What year level will Child Number 4 be in 2025 (please select only ONE Year level from the list below):
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If attending school, what is their current school? 
Please write any remaining children's names and what year levels they will be at the beginning of 2025:
If attending school, what is their current school/s? 
If you have any children who are not yet school age by 2025 but would like them to be placed on the Waiting List for Enrolment, please write down their names and dates of birth:
Do you have any further comments or questions you would like to make?
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