Chicago Alliance | TEDx Planning Team: Volunteer Opportunities

[ last update 01/22/2017 ]

Thank you for your interest in the Chicago Alliance. < >

Currently, we are in the early planning stages for a TEDx Alliance event. Ideally, the event will take place in the fall of 2017 in Chicago. This event is run entirely by volunteers who donate their time because they believe in the importance of ideas worth spreading across the human performance community in Chicago and beyond.

If you would like to volunteer to work on the TEDx planning team, please provide your contact information below, your area(s) of interest, and a reference.

Note: This form is for those volunteers who would like to be on the planning committee. If you are interested in submitting a speaker proposal, please wait until the official "Call for Speakers" is published this spring.

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I am a member of the following host organizations. (Check all that apply.) *
Email Address *
Name, Contact, and Membership Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile number (formatted like 000-000-0000) *
This will make it easier to reach you. You can also provide additional numbers.
Are you willing to receive text messages or group chat alerts related to TEDx planning? *
Interest(s) and Experience
I am interested in volunteering for the following 2017 TEDx committee(s). (Check all that apply.) *
Please select your preferred role. *
If you volunteered to be a Committee Chair, are you available to attend a planning session on the 3rd Friday of each month? See for more information. *
If you volunteered to be a Committee Chair, are you available to attend a virtual planning session on the 1st Wednesday of each month? Virtual meetings take place via Skype. *
Please list your areas of expertise relevant to the volunteer role(s) you selected. *
Why are you interested in volunteering at this TED event? *
(200 words or less)
Tell us what you're passionate about! *
(200 words or less)
 What could you bring to the table to help?
(e.g., your expertise, experience, and contacts, etc.)
What do you expect to get out of this experience?
Please provide the name and email address of someone who can attest to your professional skills and dedication.
Reference's name: *
Reference's contact info: phone number and email address *
Additional comments or questions?
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