Vermont South Tennis Club - Summer 2024 / 2025 Player Registration
To be considered for team selection you must complete this form no later than Monday 19th August 2024. This will allow us enough time to review the teams and final submission on the 23rd August 2024.

Starts on Saturday 12th October 2024 and Sunday 13th October 2024
Finals start on 15th March 2025 and Grand Final on 22nd March (with 29th as reserve)
Key Dates for Summery 2024/2025

1. You are a financial member of the Vermont South Club Inc.  If NOT, you need to join and pay before the season starts.
2. Pay Registration and Ball fee of $55. Details for payment will be provided in due course.
3. You are 18 or under during the entire season up until Sat 22nd March 2025
4. Team selection is based on a combination of past performance, tennis ability and desired team combinations of ALL players. NOT ALL REQUESTS CAN OR WILL BE SATISFIED.
5. If you cannot play on a rostered day, it is your responsibility to swap with someone else.
6. Any fines incurred by the club due to the unavailability of players will be charged to that team.
7. Your parents agree to do their rostered duty.
8. Read the WDTA Competition by-laws.  Booklet supplied at start of season.

Any questions, please contact:
James Byrne (Tennis Chair Person) - 0413984619
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Player Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Which competition day will you be playing? *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Mobile Number *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Secondary Parent/Guardian Name (Optional)
Secondary Parent/Guardian Contact Number (Optional)
Secondary Parent/Guardian Email (Optional)
Have you played in previous competitions? *
Previous Tennis Experience / Grade Played
Are you a Vermont South Tennis Club Member?
If not, please visit the following page for details on membership after completing this form (
Comments / Special Requests (e.g. dates away on holidays, transport required)
I am comfortable with my contact details being shared on an open list for emergency replacement players *
As a duty parent/venue supervisor a valid Working With Children Check is required. Please provide your WCC number and expiry date below. (WWC @ VSC)
Should you NOT have one, you can apply (Free of Charge) at WWC Check.
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