Registering INCREASE BC 2024
Event date: April 17, 2024 
Time: 9:00 am - 5:30 PM PST
Location: Chan Auditorium, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

INCREASE BC 2024 is free for all to attend. 

The purpose of INCREASE BC is to present current research and rehabilitation from a variety of professional disciplines in an interdisciplinary setting. The day is open to researchers, rehabilitation clinicians, physicians, students, and those with an interest in rehabilitation science and research. The day includes a series of podium and poster presentations, networking, a Noon Keynote Presentation and a GF Strong Lectureship by internationally recognized researchers.

For more information, please contact us at: or visit the website.

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Will you attend the INCREASE BC in-person or Zoom *
Lunch will be provided to those attending in person. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies:
Hosted by UBC-Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UBC-Rehabilitation Sciences Student Executive Committee, Rehabilitation Research Program, Centre for Aging SMART, in collaboration with VCHRI and GF Strong Rehab Centre
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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