SAZAEYC Early Childhood Award Nomination
The SAZAEYC Early Childhood Awards are named in honor of people in our community who have contributed to the early childhood education profession and community on behalf of young children. These awards bring a special recognition to outstanding professionals in the Southern Arizona community. Read more about the  history and qualifications of each award at

Award recipients will be introduced at the 38th SAZAEYC Annual Awards Brunch on Saturday, May 4, 2024.

Please fill out the application below to nominate someone for an award.  Thank you for taking time to recognize and lift up a fellow early childhood educator, advocate, or supporter.  If you have any questions or need help with this form, please contact Andrea or Sydney.

Andrea Dekker                                                Sydney Lunsford 
Vice President, Nominations and Awards       Interim Executive Director   | (520) 216-4195

Nominations are due by March 15, 2024.

*Current SAZAEYC Board members are not eligible for award nomination.
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Your Contact Information
Please provide your name and contact information.  If your nominee is selected, you will be invited to present the award at the Annual Awards Brunch on Saturday, May 4.
Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Phone Number *
Nominee's Contact Information
Please provide contact information for the person you are nominating.
Name of person you are nominating *
Nominee's Email Address: *
Nominee's Phone Number: *
SAZAEYC Early Childhood Awards

Cecilia Avalos Parent Education Award
This award recognizes a person who currently or previously has contributed significantly to the education of parents, supporting the growth and development of families in their role as their children's primary teachers, through any (but not limited to) of the following areas: 
 🔸Organizing and/or Teaching Parenting Classes
 🔸Preparing Bilingual Materials for Parents
 🔸Teenage Parenting Programs 
 🔸Education Programs for Teens Relating to Children and/or Counseling
 🔸Home/School Relationship Building

Frances Miller Community Action on Behalf of Young Children Award
​This award recognizes the work of a person currently or previously active in community/state/national child advocacy through any of the following:
🔸Volunteer Hours
🔸A Voice for Children
🔸Agency Impact
🔸Health / Safety issues
🔸Children's Rights
🔸Childcare Issues​

Mary Frobisher Teacher Education Award
This award recognizes a person who currently or previously has contributed significantly in the education of those who teach young children through the following areas:
​🔸College or Workshop Instructor
🔸Author/ Researcher
🔸Curriculum Designer
🔸Bilingual Education 

Nina Brannen Teaching Young Children Award
This award recognizes a person who currently or previously has made significant contribution to the education of young children in the following areas:
🔸Innovative teaching/teaching practices 
🔸Deep respect for Individual Children
🔸Contribution to Gifted Children or Children with Special Needs
🔸Teaching Style that Promotes Cultural Awareness or Cultural Understanding 
🔸Program Development and/or Program Implementation
Which award are you submitting a nomination for? *
Why are nominating this person for this particular award?

Please visit to read more about the history and qualifications of each award.
How has this person positively impacted the early childhood community? *
How has the nominee influenced the growth of others in their work? *
What else would you like us to know about your nominee? *
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