Hawai'i Botanical Society Nomination Form
Mahalo for your interest in the Hawai'i Botanical Society!

Nominations are now being accepted for the following positions within HI Botanical Society:

Vice President
Board Member

If you are interested or know of someone that is interested in a position, please fill out the form below. The only requirement to being elected is that your membership be current for 2024. You can purchase a membership online by going to hibotsoc.org. All those nominated will be notified and, upon acceptance of their nomination, added to the slate to be voted upon by general membership at the Annual Meeting on December 3rd.

If you have questions or would like more information about any of these roles, please email hibotsoc@hibotsoc.org.
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Name *
First and Last Name
Email *
What is the name and email of the person you are nominating? *
You may nominate both yourself and/or others below. Please indicate the name(s), followed by email(s), of the person you are nominating and then the position(s). Ex. Self (hibotsoc@hibotsoc.org) - Board Member; Lani Doe (ldoe@gmail.com) - Vice President
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