Adoption & Foster Interest Application
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Phone Number:
Date of Birth:
Your Employer and Occupation:
Do you own or rent?
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If you rent what is your landlords name & phone numbers?
Name of veterinarian & phone number?
Which pet would you like to meet?
Have you ever re-homed a dog?
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Have you ever surrendered a dog to a shelter?
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If you move, what plans do you have for your pets?
List the names and ages of each person living in your home.
Is anyone in your home allergic to pets?
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What type of personality are you hoping for in a dog?
I prefer a:
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I prefer a dog with:
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Tell us about the animals you have now!
How much time will your dog spend outside?
Dogs need to get along with:
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Do you have any other concerns about adopting a dog?
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