Résidence Création (Sopot – 27.06 - 07.08 / Deadline : 16/04/2021)
Ce projet de résidence proposé entre fin juin et début août 2021 sera l'occasion pour des artistes français de divers genres (pop, électro, jazz, hip hop...) de développer leurs propres projets pendant 3 ou 6 semaines dans le tout nouvel Art Inkubator, lieu culturel en plein cœur de Sopot en Pologne. Située sur la côte baltique au nord de la Pologne, entre les villes de Gdansk et de Gdynia, Sopot accueille de multiples festivals de musique, un festival de littérature, et un festival de cinéma.

Please answer the questions below, in French or in English.
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Please choose a time period when you would be available: *
Artist / project name *
Contact email *
Professional entourage (label, publisher, management, booking agent...) *
Links to audio + video (Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud etc) *
Description of project you would like to develop during this residency, and why this residency would help the project to exist (maximum 350 words). *
What instruments or other material would you need for the residency? *
Describe any experience organising musical workshops for a younger audience.
Would you be interested in collaborating from time to time during the residency with local musicians? *
Would you be interested in meeting Polish music industry professionals to find out more about the local industry during your residency? *
Links to any other sites of interest: official site, social media accounts etc.
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