Parent Survey for Student Attendance
If your child attends Boise City Public Schools, please answer the questions below about student school attendance. You can fill this out for each child you have enrolled in our school. 
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Which school does your child attend? *
What grade is your child in? *
What time does your child typically go to bed at night? *
What time does your child typically wake up in the morning? *
How does your child typically wake up? *
How does your child typically get to school each day? *
How long does it typically take your child to get to school? *
Do you know when your child is tardy, absent, or skipping school? *
How often if your child tardy? *
How often is your child absent for any reason including school sponsored activities? *
Does your child know what to do about assignments from when they were absent? *
How do they know what work to complete from when they were absent? *
Do you receive a phone call or an email from the school if your child is absent and you haven't notified the school first? *
What can the school do to help improve your child's attendance if needed? *
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