Weekend Wander 2024
November 15 @3pm - November 17 @12pm, 2024

Weekend Wander: Bearing witness to life on the streets

This is a modified street retreat in which we will have the opportunity to bear witness to life on the streets of Los Angeles. Each day we will walk through the city, eat at soup kitchens, sit, walk, rest, practice council, chant, and engage in begging practice. Then at the end of the day we will head back to ZCLA to sleep outside in the garden. We will bring simply our presence as an offering to all that we encounter along with a few simple items.

Mala: $125  Participants are invited and encouraged to raise a Mala. Information about Mala-raising practice is HERE2/3s of the Mala funds collected will be distributed to support local soup kitchens and relief organizations that we encounter on the retreat – this will be collectively decided by participants; 1/3rd of the funds will go to Zen Center of Los Angeles for administration expenses and to support ongoing service work outside the temple gates. We can discuss more about any discomfort around this and how to submit your Mala donation. 


The Weekend Wander will be led by Rev. Jitsujo and Kyogen.
Important consideration: We will be walking for much of the day, and sleeping on the grass in the ZCLA garden.

Questions? email Jitsujo (jitsujo8@gmail.com) or Kyogen (jrosan@protonmail.com)

Please keep abreast of safety and restrictions of Covid-19.

Full Participation only* 

Registration Limit: 10 

If you are interested --can you register by September 20


A street retreat is a plunge into the unknown. It is an opportunity to go beyond our imagined limits. It's the barest poke at renunciation, surrender, and letting go. By bearing witness to life on the streets, we begin to see our prejudices, privileges, and boundaries more directly, recognize our common humanness, as well as the many nonhuman and nonsentient beings that we are dependent. It is a way to experience interconnection and realize our responsibilities. Click here for more about street retreats with the Zen Peacemakers.

"When we go to bear witness to life on the streets, we're offering ourselves. Not blankets, not food, not clothes, just ourselves." ~Bernie Glassman, Bearing Witness

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Emergency Contact Info (please include name, telephone and email address)
Why does this particular practice appeal to you?
Describe your spiritual practice. Do you have a teacher? If so, who? Have you ever done a bearing witness retreat before? If so, where and when? *
Do you have any physical, emotional, or psychological challenges we should be aware of? Are you on any medication? If so, please list. Are you currently working with a psychiatrist or therapist? If yes, please list name and contact info
Any physical or medical issues that might compromise a physically demanding retreat. (If none, indicate "N/A") *
Zen Center of Los Angeles: risk and liability notice:
Zen Center of Los Angeles, Inc., and its staff and representatives are acting as agents and will not be held liable for anything beyond their control. Zen Center of Los Angeles reserves the right to accept or reject any person as a trip member at any time. Participants will assume the responsibility to be in good health and physical condition before the departure date, and are responsible for reviewing all information.

By typing my name below, I acknowledge and understand and do hereby assume full responsibility and expressly release and will hold harmless Zen Center of Los Angeles, Inc., and its agents and associates from any and all liability which may arise from or in connection with this program.
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